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Cold Sore And Pregnancy Go Hand In Hand

(1 post)
  • Started 8 years ago by lovecalboot
  1. Very often cold Sores and Pregnancy go hand in hand. It is fairly common for pregnant women to have an outbreak of the HSV-1 virus, more commonly known as cold sores. Two common risk factors in developing cold sores include stress and a weakened immune system.
    Since women tend to be under extra stress and have lower immune systems during pregnancy, cold sores can be prevalent. Many women become very concerned and fear for the safety of their baby. Although there is a small risk of the baby becoming infected, generally this is not something you will need to worry about. Let's take a closer look at cold sores and pregnancy, and the risks involved. You can get more information on causes of cold sores
    Cold sores are very depressing problem. You will find it very frustrating if you try to cure louis vuitton sac cuir homme them. There are several different methods for healing or preventing cold stores from forming. However, some methods can burn or cause a sting. Below are the three easy tips that can follow in order to get rid of cold sores:
    1.In order to get rid of cold sores you can rub juice from aloe on it. This is very effective way to cure cold sores. You can also rub some ice over the area. This helps you to keep your sores from spreading and becoming worse.
    2.Another best way to cure your cold sore is to place a tea bag on you sore. You can reduce your pain by doing this. It also stops sore from becoming worse. Tea bags contain tannic acid which helps to stop the sore from developing. So if sac louis vuitton pas cher chine you do not want to have a breakout then make sure to keep tea bags.
    3.Taking vitamin A and vitamin C can also help you to cure your cold sores. Get rid of your sores by eating health food. You should prevent yourself from having a breakout. Eating yogurt will louis vuitton pas cher help you to minimize your chance of spreading your sores.
    All of the above tips are 3 cures for your cold sores. You should follow these tips if you have a cold sore. If you dont follow then you will be at risk of a breakout and your sores would become worse and could spread. Do not share your food with anyone because cold sores are sac louis vuitton femme contagious.
    You can go for causes of cold sores to get free from this problem, you are only one click away from your solution.

    Posted 8 years ago #

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