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injury review

(4 posts)
  • Started 15 years ago by sharktower
  • Latest reply from jpassmore
  1. sharktower


    I have seen your posts on the 2ndlight and Gulfsurf forums and visited your website. I think it is great how you take time to talk to surfers and athletes about their injuries without an office consultation. That is a great way to develop a relationship with potential clients and I hope it drums up business for you.

    I would like to know what you can offer in terms of analysis and of a series of a series of injuries that I have acquired over the years. I have chronic knee problems as well as back and shoulder issues. My orthopedic surgeon does not recommend further surgery and has not shed much light on physical therapy. I have visited several PT's both here and in Europe where I have been living the past several years and they mostly treated specific joints with protocols that seemed better suited for the elderly.

    I am no expert, but it seems that I am out of balance--hips out of alignment causing stress on the knees, IT band and back. I stretch and exercise every day and would like to rid myself of chronic injuries. I have searched for sports medicine centers in the area that work with athletes, but have come up with very little. What I am looking for is a full review of my range of motion and injuries to see what can be done to create balance and rehab old weak spots.
    Please let me know if you think this is something you could do or if I am better off with a personal trainer who specializes in athletes. I would also be interested to know your rates and whether or not this could be covered by my medical insurance.
    Thanks Josh.


    ps. your sister lives in sevilla? studying? working? im not there right now, but she may know me or my company, discoversevilla.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Eric,

    I am in Naples, FL. Thanks for the kind words on the site. The intention isn't to drum up business, but will take it if it comes. Just want to develop an online community resourse for surfers and other athletes, and anyone with injuries to have a jumping off point with their injuries, surgeries, rehab, etc...

    PT coverage based on insurance would not work for private business, but would work for an office visit.

    I say this all the time," PT's just need to listen to their patients!" You seem to have spelled it out just right. From your chronic issues, you likely have some misalignments somewhere which continue to cause you problems. It sounds like your previous PT experience was more of a cookie cutter type and not specifically tailored to your case as much as it should have been.

    I think you are on the right track in your reserach for someone qualified enough to evaluate you. Look for someone who is manually therapy trained. I am trained, but not certified yet.

    I beleive there is a link with perhaps some of your issues... If you would like to attempt to talk about a few of them specifically, we can try to start there?

    Know anyone else dealing with something? Spread the word...


    p.s. My sister is teaching English in Sevilla. She lived there last year as a student.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. sharktower

    alright here is the short version (which won't be that short)

    current issues:
    -left knee -- two surgeries. First acl, mcl miniscus. Second was a failed attempt to repair cartilage. Now it is source of pain and limits my activity.

    -left shoulder -- two separations. sticks out a good two inches. pain recently has gotten pretty bad.

    -lower back -- consistent pain for the past year. recently it flared up and put me out of commission.

    I train in the gym 3-5 times a week and paddle (prone paddleboarding) every other day. In between I will run or hop on the bike. I also have an alarm set to remind me to stretch at least once a day--mostly working on hip flexibility.

    I have limited range of motion on leg exercises. For example, it is hard to get my knees to bend beyond 90 degrees without breaking at the waist or bringing my heels off the floor. No matter how much I rehab/train, my legs seem to remain underdeveloped. I wonder if there is a connection there.

    I admit that some of the flares would go away if I would settle down and lower my activity level, but I'm 29, in good shape and all my pastimes are outdoor activities.

    I should also mention that I was going to an acupuncturist with decent results (have since stopped) and I see a massage therapist when my back gets bad. He has helped tremendously.

    Alright, I know it is not a full patient history, but I hope it can help you to point me in the right direction.

    Thanks again.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. L Knee: Could get some relief from some Manual isolated knee joint distraction techniques. Hard to do at home, needs a manually educated therapist. Also, just keep surrounding muscles flexible. One more, KEEP you R hip abductor and extensors STRONG..this will help decrease the load on the knee! Oh and AVOID flats sandals for long periods of time and poor fitting shoes. They both encourage hyperpronation (flat feet), and this provides increase stress on the medial knee and ACL.

    L Shoulder: Start with resistive rotator cuff exercises, internal and external rotation, 3 sets of 15 reps, with good form. Is the dislocation in the AC joint or in the shoulder itself? VERY IMPORTANT... I have more suggestions pending your answer... READ my posting under "surfing with a painful shoulder" about better paddling techniques. Add to that a NON SLUMPED FWD shoulder posture when on the board. Instead, keep shoulder retracted, even as you get tired.

    Low Back: Where do you live? Reserach a therapist who is trained by This is accupuncture combined with a direct current for a longer lasting affect. You should respond well to someone who is well trained in it. I think this webisite helps you do that, or you can call the muber and they might be able to assist you. I am trained in it and so are many people in my clinic. We see good results with chronic low back pain. Also, besides keeping flexible, you want your flexibility to be balanced between R and L.

    Stretching: Should be done 3-4 sets of as many seconds as you are old and only after warming up the tissue first. BE CONSISTENT!

    After a bought of increased probably feel decent and it is the next day you pay? If so, ICE YOUR BACK and other aches that usually follow, that night for 15 minutes!

    How is that for starters?

    Keep in touch and spread the word...


    Posted 15 years ago #

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