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Plantar Blues

(7 posts)
  • Started 15 years ago by Buffalosurfer
  • Latest reply from stevenfenh
  1. Buffalosurfer

    Didn't know if i should have this with the other thread.
    I've had my Dr. and a podiatrist diagnose me with plantar fasciaitus. Around thanksgiving is when i finally saw a dr. and i am sure the trigger was my workboots. I now have better boots, prescription orthotics and still have pain. My pain is more pinpointed to my heel and the outside of my ankle. Pain for first 10min in the morning and after being on my feet all day walking becomes painful after sitting and driving and very painful right before bedtime when walking. I'd like to know if i should: 1)stretch in am and throughout the day and rest/ice at nite. 2)stretch and ice a couple of times throughout the day. 3)with the orthotics and good supportive shoes it will go away when it's ready, so go surf,deal with the pain and forget about it.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Buffalo Surfer,

    No worries, I go you covered! Feel free to start new threads whenever!

    Did you get new shoes? What do you do for work?

    Here is what you do consistently...
    1) EVERY morning, sitting on edge of bed, before you step down, cross you bad foot over your other knee, with one hand bend your ankle and big toe back as far as it can. You should see your plantar fascia stick out. With your other hand rub DEEPLY along the fascia from the base of the big toe down towards the heel. THIS WILL BE VERY TENDER! Start easy and work up intensity. DO for 5 minutes every morning and evening and any other down time you have during the day. You will notice over time your pain will go down!

    Also, ICE the bottom of your foot for 15 minutes after a days work. Do it sitting in a chair with your foot flat on the floor.

    ALso, stretch your calves ALOT. Do 3-4 sets of as many seconds as you are old, 3 times a day!

    Avoid barefoot for now on hard surfaces. On the sand is okay.

    Do this CONSISTENTLY for 1 week! Get back to me any time with questions, concerns, etc. I have two more interventions that are a little more aggressive, but let's see how you handle these first.

    Any questions?

    You didn't have to spend all the $ on orthotics, the ones I have on my website are only $45 and would have done fine. Being a surfer, I bet you wear some type of flat sandal? You would also like the sandals on the site too. I am not hear to sell those to you, just to say they are the best product for your money!

    Keep in touch and let anyone else who is dealing with something, know about the site.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. Buffalosurfer

    I'm a 41y.o. Pipefitter and now inspector. I'm on my feet all day. No more barefoot/sandals/skate shoes/boatshoes without orthotics. Got rid of the cheaper workboots and have redwings with vibram soles.
    I've actually been stretching my feet for about a month, less the massage, and it's not tender anymore. lean up against a wall to stretch calves several times a day. the ice and celebrex is rarely used.
    All of my body's joints have been "popping" and "grating" especially my right ankle. i'd imagine if i were to ice skate or rollerbade it would be constantly popping and rather painful. Dr told me the noise is arthritis. Long time ago i had a back injury, hip displacement. also broke my foot (both at different occasions) and sprained my ankle skateboarding. My life has been pretty sedentary lately compared to years back. And the bum foot, making my posture worse,back aching isn't letting me skate.
    send some more aggresive stretches/ exercise. is standing on the edge of stairs on toes and doing dips beneficial?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. Let's revisit this...

    The pain is on the outside of your heel? Not underneath?
    It is a challenge to accurately communicate your pain location via the forum, but it is a crucial step in the process...

    Please get back to me...

    If it is NOT underneath, we need to talk more.
    If it IS underneath, DON"T stretch the feet, only calves, DO the DEEP massaging as explained, and ICE every night after work for 10-15 minutes as explained.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. Buffalosurfer

    The pain is on my heel primarily between 10 and 11 O'clock and 2 and 3 O'clock as you would look down at your right foot. Profile of my right side using the bone as a clock's center from 2 to 7 O'clock there is also pain. where the achilles tendon inserts at the back, on top there is tenderness. the x-ray that was taken was obvious to me of having heel spurs and on my achilles. When i first went to the podiatrist he pressed in two places on the bottom of my foot that made me go through the roof. Didn't mean to startle ya. Other things that may be helpful is i have a pretty painless bunion that looks like a 6th toe.
    When i massage the facia it is very knotted/torn rough feeling. kinda hard to explain without ya thinking about sub-q. but it kinda crackles/pops under the fingers. But by massaging in the am it makes it so it's only a couple steps before the pain subsides.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. Keep massaging the plantar fascia, that will make it better!

    In regards to the achilles issue...
    With a spoon and some cocoa butter or other lotion, lay prone and have someone scrape your entire calf especially into all sides of the achilles. About 4 times down and 4 times up. Each time may take multiple strokes to cover all the tissue. Likley you will feel discomfort. The spoon edge should be at approx 70-80 angle to the skin. Have you ankle in a neutral position, NOT POINTED. After the treatment, then stretch your calf. Let me know how much it hurts and have the application gentle at first. I will progress you after your first treatment pending your response.


    Posted 15 years ago #

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