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runner hip pain

(13 posts)
  1. tina

    Hi Josh. I would appreciate any advice you can give me.

    I've been a recreational distance runner for probably 8 years at this point. A couple of years ago I was running 70 mpw. But the last couple of years I've been running more like 40 mpw. So the point is that I do not think that I was pushing myself too hard when the injury occured.

    During one long run several months ago, the outside of my right hip started hurting. I took a couple of days off, returned, then the pain returned, and I went back and forth for a while, went to an ortho doc and received naproxin, which I took for probably 4 months. At first it allowed me to run, but eventually the pain was too concerning even with the meds, so I stopped running completely around May 1.

    I'm afraid that I will never be able to run again . . . I would greatly appreciate any advice. I can't even walk on an incline on my treadmill without aggravating the injury. Actually even an elliptical without arms causes pain if I work enough to get my heartrate up (elliptical with arms is better). So I can't do much of anything except biking, which is okay but not good for me.

    Please help! Doc said he thought bursitis or tendonitis. X-rays ruled out arthritis. The pain is on the outside of my hip, just to the right (from my perspective) of the boniest (front) part of my hip. I just stood up and twisted to the left and forward (again from my perspective), which is how I can feel the pain now, and the pain feels like it is almost on top of, or going over, the boniest part of my hip.

    Do you think that rest for 6-8 weeks (which I haven't done yet) will heal me for good? Or is this going to be a lifelong thing that prevents running forever? Also, any exercises at the gym that might help? Will strength training help? Help!!

    Thanks very much.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Tina,

    Sorry for the delayed reply as I have been on vacation out of the country with limited email internet available...

    Yes, it does sound like Greater Trochanteric brusitis.

    A bursitis is an inflamation that has ben irritated...

    It could benefit from:
    avoid any and all movements that irritate it (rest)

    ice it 5 times a day for 10-15 minutes for a solid 2 weeks, then go down to ~ 2-3 times a day

    when you get back to running, continue to ice it after each run for prevention

    possible ultrasound from a physiotherapist to decrease the infflamation

    you can do twice a day a small 3 minute friction masage on the bursae before icing

    what else to help and prevent:

    it would take an evaluation, but I would be looking at hip abduction strength, hip range of motion in all planes, and good foot mechanics as possible causes and preventative measures.

    Hope this gets you started
    Write back with any questions
    Keep in touch and let me know how your doing

    Please share this site/resource with friends who are dealing with something...


    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. tina


    Thank you very much for the reply. I will refer any friends who need help in the future.

    I will do the things that you suggested. I have just a couple of other quick questions, if you don't mind.

    (1) I have switched to biking. My hip does not hurt when I ride the bike. But after 2 long rides this weekend back to back, my hip is hurting this morning more than before. Do I have to stop biking? You said avoid anything that hurts--it doesn't hurt when doing, but hurts morning after, that's why I'm asking for clarification.

    (2) How long do you think it will take to heal with rest? I'm also really wondering about the prognosis in general w/hip bursitis? Have you noticed this to be the type of injury that often does not heal?

    (3) Should I get an appt with a PT? Do you think it will really help above ice and rest and (weight machine) hip abductor exercises?


    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. Tina,

    (1) How old are you? Is the pain still local? Or is it referring down the leg? Did you ICE after riding? It still hurt? Ride within your limits, for now. It sounds like you are one to go al out with something, or not at all.

    (2) How long do you think it will take to heal with rest? Anywhere between 4-8 weeks is typical. Have you noticed this to be the type of injury that often does not heal? Only if the individual continues to keep irritatin it and not managin it properly and not correcting the initial cuase.

    (3) Should I get an appt with a PT? If you see NO improvement in 2 weeks, YES! Explain to them you are more than willing to managew this on your own, you just need a jump start with a good evaluation and some guidance. They can do some ultrasound, and /or some e-stim to break up the infflamation. PLUS, the eval may help to identify some potential causes of this. This would need to be done one-on-one. Where do you live? You need to see someone who tends to see more athletes...
    Do you think it will really help above ice and rest and (weight machine) hip abductor exercises? Likely, Yes...atleast a thourough EVAL.

    Let me know what happens next...
    Take care, be good to your body, it's your only one :)


    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. tina

    Hi Josh. Thank you so much for the information. I wish you lived nearby. I live in Winter Garden, Florida, which is about 30 min. west of Orlando.

    I'm 39 years old. I've been avidly into all kinds of fitness pursuits for most of my life, started as a swimmer (high school & college), then personal trainer/weights/aerobics (college & just after), then at some point about 10 years ago I ditched anything indoors for primarily running with some biking & swimming thrown in. And a tad bit of weight training but definitely not enough.

    I happened to speak to a PT last night (not sports, she works at a nursing home; we volunteer together, so we just spoke briefly). She doesn't think its bursitis. She guesssed tendonitis or muscle strain of some sort. The pain isn't entirely local. It starts where bursitis starts (outside right hip), but it moves sometimes, to around the outside glutes/lower back, then also radiates down the front of my upper right thigh (not the side of my right thigh--which I think I learned yesterday would be my IT band). The pain is not severe at all. It does not hurt when I'm sitting still. It does not hurt much when walking or even biking or running. But, if I run or bike, it just gets progressively worse until it does hurt when I'm walking. It hurts to stretch forward and to my left at the same time (bending forward and to the left at my waste)--hurts all along the hip. ]

    I started taking naproxin again yesterday. Feels a little better today, but, again, I know that if I were to run or bike or even do the elliptical (!!!), it would start hurting worse and get to the point where walking would be painful.

    I swam yesterday and that seemed okay, but swimming is not a good long term substitute.

    Are you nearby?

    I called yesterday also to the national training center, which is near my house and has a PT center. They charge $800 bucks an hour!!!! I'm assuming and hoping that if I call somewhere else I can get a much lower rate, otherwise PT is definitely out.

    I'm icing, but 3 times a day is about my limit in terms of time, I'm trying to do more.

    I did not ice after riding b/c I hadn't read your email yet. I will do that next time. I think if I rode really slowly then it might not hurt, but the workout would not be any good.

    The PT lady last night said the prognosis for bursitis and/or tendonitis is not good, that she thinks my exercising is done forever. Please be honest . . . is she correct or just way to pessimistic/not sports minded? This would be the greatest tragedy of my life because this is really my passion.

    Thank you again very much.

    I see that you grew up nearby. I wish you were here now! I would make an appt with you if I could.


    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. tina


    Do you think she was right that this sounds more like a tendon than bursitis? Is the prognosis any better?

    Thank you!!!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. Tina,

    Bursitis/Tendonitis is not the end all. If treated correctly, you can come back. This happens every day to many people/athletes!

    Listening to some of you other signs/symptoms (and not examining you in person) other "potential" diagnosis could be referral pain from SI joint, referral pain from a Lumbar (low back ) issue. Hard to say without an eval. An MRI may be warranted too.

    If it is just a tendonitis, the best thing to do along with rest, ultrasound, ice, naproxen, light exercise, is find a PT who uses a treatment called ASTYM. You should be able to find one on the the ASTYM website. There are only a few in the state.

    Sorry I can't be specific with answers to your questions, as I intend to be a resourse for you and guide you in the right direction for your care.

    Listening to you today, I would honestly get a thorough eval from a PT as previously discussed. Check with your INSURANCE as to how this is covered, as those darn companies rule the world unfortunately.

    Please keep in touch and let me know of other questions you have...don't hesitate.

    I grew up in cocoa beach and now live near naples.

    Look fwd to hearing back from you, ~J

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. tina

    Hi Josh. Thanks again for the info. I thought I would give it a few days and see what happened.

    I continued to exercise, but no running, and taking it easier on the bike. Also doing elliptical but trying to mainly pull with my arms to get heart rate up (light on legs). And I've been trying to favor my left (non-injured) leg on the bike.

    I was feeling a little better though still nothing near what I think I should feel and still very nagging. However, yesterday I decided to try to lift leg weights. From PT before, I know they sometimes use exercise to help with healing, so that was my thinking. I did squats at a heavy but not impossible weight, same thing with leg extensions, leg curls, and also hip abductor and glute machines (lighter weight on those last two).

    So during the squats my hip started hurting again. And last night I was in the same pain again.

    Can you recommend any weight-bearing exercises or should I just avoid weights for the legs?
    Also, is favoring one leg on the bike going to cause other problems down the road?

    I've been icing 3/4 times per day and also trying to massage my hip once per day.

    Thanks so much, you are great, wish you lived & worked nearby,


    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. tina


    I have another question. I just read some of your other threads. Is there any chance that my injury could be ITB and stretching and/or footwear to prevent hyperpronation could help?

    Or is the ITB located somewhere else?

    My injury has seemed to move lately, from the outside of my right hip, to my behind, then in the front middle of my thigh ocassionly (mostly hip/upper behind).


    Posted 14 years ago #
  10. Tina,

    Super hard to follow some of this without seeing you, but I will try to advise...

    "I just read some of your other threads. Is there any chance that my injury could be ITB and stretching and/or footwear to prevent hyperpronation could help?"
    YES, this is possible but I couldn't tell without an eval.

    Other possibilities: Pelvic misalignment, Lumbar spine issue.

    In regards to weight bearing exercises: Hard to say which one, but whatever ones you are trying do light weight and just be happy that you are doing something! Light weight I mean, something you can do 25-35 reps. If tolerable, and only if, then progres weights up SLOWLY!

    I would truely advise atleast getting an in person EVAL from a PT who works with athlethes such as yourself.

    Please keep me in the loop and I wish I could help you more via the computer. SMALL chance I am coming to cocoa beach next weekend, if I do, maybe an eval is in your future?


    Posted 14 years ago #
  11. tina

    I would love an eval. Would you mind telling me the price and would you be able to run through insurance? (Not essential, but would be nice if I could get credit through my insurance b/c I have a large deductible).

    If you want, you can email your rate to me at

    I understand that you can't evaluate through the computer. I appreciate the advice that you have given and it would be great to get an honest to goodness evaluation!

    Thanks again,

    Posted 14 years ago #
  12. creator1

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    Posted 11 years ago #

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