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Possibe high ankle Sprain?

(5 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by cmiller
  • Latest reply from jpassmore


  1. cmiller


    I sprained my ankle two weeks ago playing field hockey. It seems to be healing relatively well - the swelling on the outside of my ankle bone has improved significantly and the bruising is basically gone.

    However I'm still have a lot of pain pushing off my toes and bending at the knee. A squatting position is painful at the top of my ankle, where the top of my foot meets the bottom of my leg. Still, this has improved significantly since the injury. A few days after, I couldn't flex my foot up against a wall (as if to stretch out my calf). I can do that now, but I am nowhere close to being able to hang my heel off a step (to get a deeper calf stretch). The pain is too great.

    I'm able to walk normally - I don't feel pain, but I feel my ankle. I've actually been running on it - I can run normally, but I can definitely feel little twinges and stiffness in the ankle joint. Given that I have pain in the 'push off' motion, could I be dealing with a high ankle sprain? Will I damage it further by running on it? Are there any stretches/strengthening exercises specific to this area you can give me?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long-winded post.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Great post! Good detail!

    Difficult to say if it is a "high ankle sprain."
    The stiffness in your joint would most likely be improved by a therapist who manually would stretch the joint capsule.

    Can you do damage to it by running etc on it? YES, Over time it should slowly return to normal, but in the meantime other parts of the joint are taking more force than their previous role because of the restricted mobility.

    It would be to your advantage to get a PT who can manually mobalize this joint for you. I would do some prone dorsiflexion mobilization with movements mobs and calcaneal distraction mobs!

    Hard to advise a "stretch" for this, but good manual work should only take a few weeks ot get it going again.

    Keep me in the loop and let me know if I can guide you anymore.


    (tell a friend,

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Classic rehab for home wuld be ne leg eyes closed balance. Once your good at that, I will progress you!

    Keep in touch, ~J

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. cmiller

    Thank you!

    I did end up seeing an orthopedist, who said that it is NOT a high ankle sprain (whew), but I am still getting pain when pushing off my toes. When he was examining me, he was surprised with how much strength I had.

    Still, running fast (in games) is uncomfortable, and I am getting impatient! So.. you say manually stretching the joint capsule..I suppose this isn't something I can do myself?

    I go back to the doc on Thursday. I'm going to push for a Rx to PT.

    Thank you so much! I will keep you posted.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. The initial thought of some joint capsule mobs is just that, an initial thought. You could benefit from a PT who deals alot with athletes, particulary lower extremmity injuries.
    This mobilization isn't something that can be done to one self.

    Where do you live?
    Thanks for the post and keep me posted!

    Posted 14 years ago #

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