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Ankle swelling from long bicycle rides.

(3 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by bass4at
  • Latest reply from Robin jack
  1. Hey Josh, I've been bicycle touring with my bike powered band, The Ginger Ninjas, and when we were in the Mexico last Winter and Spring, I started feeling a tense pain on the outside and backside of my left ankle. It hurt from below my ankle bone (the one that sticks out), all the way across the back of my achilles tendon. It swelled and hurt pretty bad, and was very tense and hard to move. I temporarily lost some range of motion. Anyways, I took a few weeks off and fortunately the end of the tour came shortly, so I was able to rest for a bit. I haven't had many problems since then, but I haven't put it through such hard work since then either. However, we're hitting the road for a month, starting Monday, and I want to do whatever I can to prevent anything like thing from happening again. What can I do to make sure my ankles (and knees) are safe to ride high mileage trips day after day? Oh, when loaded, my bike weighs about 200 lbs (maybe more) and we cross mountains, so the resistance in the pedal strokes is significant. Thanks so much, good brother. -Jared May

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Jared, good to hear from you buddy. I did some more reserach on your band... great you tube video

    If I had to guess, it could be some tendonosis of the peroneal tendons. When your pedaling, try to avoid having the ball of your foot on the pedal as this would activate more of that area. SO instead, use the mid foot to apply your force for pedaling! Also, might just be an irritated bursa?

    Also, you need to do periodic stretching when riding! During the day when you take breaks, stretch that calf! Strethc with a straight knee and a bent knee... do you know what I mean?

    Ice is always good for swelling. Good luck aquiring that while on the road.

    Any questions let me know old friend!


    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. I think you should do a rest for atleast few days before starting the ride again.I hope you will get well soon.

    Posted 14 years ago #

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