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knee pain - progressed to bilateral

(7 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by chewymix
  • Latest reply from Robin jack
  1. chewymix


    I banged my left knee 7 weeks ago hard into a toolbox that was left out. It seems that it was not actually the patella but just about that and towards the outside, possible the VL tendon insertion point, as my knee was flexed at the time. Apart from initial pain that seemed to go away after 10 minutes or so the only issue was pain going upstairs. There was no real bruising or swelling. It seemed to improve after week in that stairs got better but i have been left with soreness at the insertion point and this hurts when i stand up from a lower chair. I can do some reps of a single leg squat without pain however there feels like there is some sensory disruption about the point of impact on the knee.

    For the last 2 weeks or so the right knee has also been getting sore. Not in the same way but soreness above the knee and radiating out to the outside edge again but i presume this could be a compensatory issue due to me favoring this knee over the left even though i try to not do that.

    I have seen a sports medicine doc and an ultrasound did show a small hematoma in the VL at the insertion point but i wonder if i am feeling more than just that.

    Any thoughts on who i could also see about getting my knees good again.


    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Sorry for the delayed response...I will delay again and answer ASAP.

    Thanks, J

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Chewmix,

    When you mean who to see, do you mean type of healthcare provider? Or are you looking for a specific referall in town? Where do you live?


    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. chewymix

    Sorry - i was just meaning what do you think could be causing this and so what 'type' of practitioner would be the best to see about it.


    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. The presence of the hematoma taking up space which it usually isn't in, definitely can impact sensation and function of the involved structure. Its' presence interferes with the normal on-goings on that structure.

    I would search your area for a physical therapist who is qualified and experienced in manual therapy skills along with sports medicine history and knowledge.

    A PT is trained to be an expert in movement and returning individual to desired levels of function.

    Let me know if I can help you any further...


    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. I would also want to rule out the ITB...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. Knee pain is due to several reasons that can be due to age and more. I have found a supplement for arthritis,when using a capsule or pill form of glucosamine products can take between 6 and 10 weeks to notice little or any relief.Synflex liquid glucosamine can deliver relief and healing in as little as 7 to 10 days.

    Posted 14 years ago #

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