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knee patella pain

(7 posts)
  • Started 15 years ago by eric_t
  • Latest reply from stevenfenh


  1. eric_t

    Hi i saw your thread on magic seaweed. i have a painful patella if pressed or if i get up out of chair or similar movements.

    its not agonising pain but it is uncomfortable. i surf a lot and am wondering how i can get rid of the pain?


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Eric,

    Thanks for the question...

    How old are you?
    Is the pain on one or both knees?
    What is your occupation?
    What's your current activity level besides surfing?
    Does it hurt when you press down, or when you press down and contract your quad/thigh at the same time?
    Where is the pain, at the point of pressing or does it feel underneath that?
    Does the entire patella hurt, or just certain regions?
    Do you notice the pain more/or less following an activity whether immediately or the following day?
    Any other knee, hip, back, foot/ankle pain? Prior surgeries/accidents?

    I have a few ideas, but I need to know more about you.
    Sorry for all the questions...

    Hit me back,

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. eric_t

    Hi, thanks for getting back to me.

    ok, i'm 33, the pain is only in my left knee, which i tore the inside medial ligament on 3 years ago. I havent had any pain in it for at least 2 years though. Surfing is pretty much the only activity i do, all though i surf everyday. It hurts if i press down on it, like walking down stairs or if i push it forwards when sitting down, it hurts at the top of the patella only but does feel like it mught be 'inside' pain. The things is it just feels like its appeared out of nowhere as i havent damadged it and its just suddenly started hurting for no reason.

    hope thats enough info i look forwrd to hearing from you.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. Does it ever hurt when you are carving down the wave and then suddenly load the knee to make a heel/toe side turn up the face?

    Do this test for me: Sit, with your leg out in front of you straight and relaxed. Cup your patella, press down with medium pressure, then contract your quad/thigh. I am guesssing this will cause more pain, so heads up and be cautious. You won't do more damage, but just be cautious with your pressure. Get back to me on this?

    Right now if I had to guess, I would lean towards a patella tracking problem. This can be due to you old injury and finally showing itself. Patella tracking issues are often from an inbalance in muscles that have some connection with the patella. The imbalance can be either about a specific weakness or about specific tightness. Either way, this can affect the tracking of the patella in the joint.

    Your patella can also be "riding high" or in some other abnormal position. Sit with both legs out in front of you, with muscles relaxed. Compare the position of each patella, take your time. Compare how each one moves up, down, left and right. Take your time. Notice any differences?

    Do you remember "banging" your knee around the time this started?

    Look forward to your replies...


    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. eric_t

    Hi Josh,

    I did the test and no it doesn't seem to hurt anymore when i do that. it hurts if i sit on a chair and put my foot flat on the floor and push my leg away from me. i went surfing last night after resting it for few days and it only really hurt at the end of a long wave, kind of like an aching pain more than a stabbing pain.i have hit my knee loads surfing but not directly on the place where it hurts. i have a bruise on the inner side of my knee though. also i looked at both knee's and they both look the same to me.

    thanks for your replies, its been really helpfull and also reasurring.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. Eric,

    You could be dealing with some chronic tendonosis of the quad tendon. Place your knee in approx 90 degrees of flexion and do some deep massage along the quad tendon for 5 minutes twice a day for a few days. Stretch after for 30 seconds, 4 sets, each time you do it.

    Get back to me...
    Thanks for the questions, tell a friend


    Posted 15 years ago #

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